Thank you for your faithful stewardship to His Kingdom. Keep sowing to God.
For tithes and offering there are a variety of options to give:
*You may give in person during worship.
*You may type in $BreadofLifeNow to your Cash app or scan the QR code below.
*You may click on or scan the QR code below to use Paypal.

Thank you for your faithful stewardship to His Kingdom. Keep sowing to God.
For tithes and offering there are a variety of options to give:
*You may give in person during worship.
*You may type in $BreadofLifeNow to your Cash app or scan the QR code below.
*You may donate with Zelle with phone number 813-695-9327.
*You also may donate using Paypal by scanning QR code below.


Scan QR Code for Paypal
To make a $25 monthly donation to our Bread of Life Building Fund,
please click on image below.